
可访问性 of government information and resources is a fundamental principle all cities and their constituents value. 不幸的是, 为残疾人士而设, access to information and resources has become increasingly more difficult as new technologies allow for more content to be available to the public—but not always in a format that individuals with disabilities can easily view or obtain.

近年来, several government entities have faced lawsuits for not providing access to the information they have available on their websites in a form that individuals with disabilities can access. 虽然技术和法律标准在不断发展, 一个城市可以采取一些措施,不仅减少索赔的风险,而且, 更重要的是, 更好地服务于市民.


The following are five suggested steps any city can implement now to provide reasonable access to web-based public services as required by Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA):

步骤1. 制定内部计划/政策

首先,从自我评价开始. 城市是否有处理无障碍请求的内部政策? 一项公众可以随时获得的政策? 您的网站对残障人士的可访问性如何?

下一个, develop an internal plan for how the city will respond to requests from individuals with disabilities. If you already have an access plan or policy, now would be a good time to review and update it. As part of any plan, staff should be trained on how to respond to access questions and requests. 考虑将处理访问请求纳入特定职位的工作职责, 还要确保你已经指定了一个备用职位来处理这些请求. 例如, 如果你的城市有书记员和副书记员, 在两份工作描述中都把这作为一项职责.


  • 如果有电话请求, 电子邮件, 或者亲自去, 在过程中遵循数据实践法,并强调互动对话.
  • 记录日期, time, 以及请求的实质内容, 说明该市有兴趣与请求者合作.
  • 从请求者那里获得关于他们需要的替代格式的信息.
  • 注意如何提供所要求的信息(e.g.,邮寄,亲自).
  • 记录进度、任何问题和最后的回应.
  • Establish a grievance procedure for resolving complaints or concerns regarding individual access requests.

步骤2. 向公众提供查阅资料的程序

在城市的网站上, include the procedure individuals should use if they find that information on your website is not accessible to them.

从 布莱恩市明尼苏达州:

“如果你使用辅助技术(如盲文阅读器), 屏幕阅读器, or TTY) and the format of any material on this website interferes with your ability to access information, 请澳门网络娱乐游戏平台. 使我们能够以对你最有帮助的方式作出回应, 请说明您的可访问性问题的性质, 接收材料的首选格式, 所请求材料的网址, 还有你的联系方式. Users who need accessibility assistance can also contact us by phone through the Federal Information Relay Service at [phone number] for TTY/Voice communication.”

Include the contact information for the staff member who is responsible for processing these requests.

步骤3. 试着做出现在影响最大的改变

The United State Department of Justice has created a list of specific recommendations for changes in websites based on the complaints they see most frequently. 查看你所在城市的网站,看看这个城市现在是否可以做出一些改变.


  • 所有照片或图形都应附有图像的文字描述.
  • 网站设计应该避免指定颜色和字体大小.
  • Videos and other multimedia should have accessible features such as 关闭d captioning.
  • 文件必须以可访问的格式发布. Word等格式的电子文档, PDF, Excel, 和演示文稿 may be accessible if they are created and maintained properly to be compatible with screen readers. 可供查阅的电子文件将包括:
    • 一种逻辑结构和阅读顺序.
    • 用于图形、表单字段和链接的替代文本描述.
    • 助航设备(e.g.、链接、书签、目录).
    • 不干扰辅助技术的安全性.
    • 允许将字符提取为文本的字体.

    网站上的电子文档以PDF格式发布是很常见的. 然而,PDF文档通常不是以可访问的格式创建的. Several resources are available to ensure that electronic documents in popular formats, 例如Word, PDF, Excel, 和演示文稿, 是否以残疾人可访问的格式创建和维护. Use the following resources to determine if the documents on your city’s website are accessible.



  • Include a “skip navigation” link at the top of web pages that allows people who use screen readers to ignore navigation links and skip directly to web page content.
  • 尽量减少眨眼、闪烁或其他分散注意力的功能. 如果必须包含的话, 确保搬家, 闪烁的, 或者自动更新对象或页面可能会暂停或停止.
  • Design online forms to include descriptive HTML tags that provide people with disabilities the information they need to complete and submit the forms.
  • 包括视觉通知和转录,如果声音自动播放.
  • Provide a second, static copy of pages that are auto-refreshing or that require a timed response.
  • 使用标题, 上下文, and other heading structures to help users navigate complex pages or elements (such as web pages that use frames).


步骤4. 确保就业机会触手可及

Review online application procedures to identify possible barriers to employment for people with disabilities. This will help a city attract the broadest pool of qualified candidates and reduce the likelihood of a claim that your website or job applications process was not fully accessible to people with disabilities, 比如那些失明或视力低下的人, 你是聋子还是重听, or have physical disabilities affecting manual dexterity (such as limited ability to use a mouse).

无论你用什么方法来做广告和接受申请, 考虑可以进行哪些更改以促进更易于访问的流程. 如果使用在线申请流程, consider adopting standards that conform with the Web Content 可访问性 Guidelines 2.0(见下文5).

步骤5. 提高你的标准,现在就加入一份声明

While the Americans with Disabilities Act does not yet specify a standard for local government websites or electronic materials, the law does require that programs and services are readily accessible to and usable by individuals with disabilities. 科技行业似乎同意 Web内容可访问性指南(WCAG.0级AA 标准是最好的,以满足这一要求. 如果你所在的城市有任何更新或修改网站的计划, you should consider these standards as part of the planning phase and discuss them with your web developer.

如果你的城市现在不能做出改变, 考虑在你的网站上添加一个关于你未来计划的声明. 例如: “We are in the process of assessing the accessibility of the city’s website and its electronic documents to establish a plan to comply with and follow best practices set forth in website accessibility standards under 第508节 of the federal Workforce Rehabilitation Act and the Web Content 可访问性 Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 A和AA.”

当然, 即使目前不可能遵守WCAG, a city should take into account steps 1-4 above in developing or updating its website accessibility plan.